World Broadcasting Message: By chairman Tomeo Gressard 

Week 18 of 2021 - Marine Foundation News:

The reports we were all waiting for. Was late and I am still in Africa. (I am presently in the Gambia). DWB & MARINEF are doing great and thanks to the African Leadership of Madame Balde of Guinea who successfully led our delegation to success added key figures that came along the way. This is just the beginning…

World message from chairman Tomeo Gressard :

World Broadcasting Message: 

Week 24 of 2021 - Marine Foundation News:


World Football Youth Association will start with the Gambia. I have spent the last two months in Africa, and maybe this short video can inspire you of the kind of beautiful programs that can easily change the lives of thousands and thousands of children almost immediately. You can find the video on the report or directly below on Youtube. For the information, please go to our World football Youth Association's page and do not miss the first MARINE SPORTS ACADEMY initiated by Mr. Kamel Benzekri and which started in Morocco. The Marine Foundation's sponsorship will begin this year to take the program and multiply it throughout Africa.

Whoever wants to be great must become a servant.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,We serve by serving others. The world defines greatness in terms of power, possessions, prestige, and position 

     Marine Foundation’s kenya , however, measured greatness in terms of service, not status. God determines your greatness by how many people you serve, not how many people serve you.

       This is so contrary to the world's idea of greatness that we have a hard time understanding it, much less practicing it.

     The disciples argued about who deserved the most prominent position, and 2,000 years later,Africans leaders still jockey for position and prominence in countries , denominations, and parachurch ministries.

     Thousands of books have been written on leadership, but few on servanthood. Everyone wants to lead; no one wants to be a servant. We would rather be generals than leaders. Even Christians want to be " servant- leaders", not just plain servants.

      But to be like Jesus is to be a servant. That's what He called Himself 


 marine foundation,..........Define formation


Foundations Objective

 Factors media COMES from headquarters by executives chairman

 Review foundation Previous Findings strategy 

Identify the Potential Factors

Based on Framework

Enhance of Framework to Indicate the Effect of Factors. 

Adoption and the Performance of foundation 

Propose the Hypothesis of the Study

Select Research Method

Pilot Study

Data Collection

Analyze Data


No Executive chairman 

University of Disability 

PROJECT:Marine foundations University of Disability

Executive chairman:TOMEO ROBERT D.M-GRESSARD

Project Leader:JOEL K NGETICH

Project Defined By:JOEL K NGETICH

Project Working Group:Experts to be arranged about other necessary subjects from Different countries Japan,Germany,UA,UK,France,Kenya,others) 

PHASES:(We proposed to consider these emphases in order and also in parallel)

1.Design of University Building[Disability]


A.Demand Survey for University

i. Population of land

ii. 2025 projection

iii. Type of University[Disability] 

iv. Size of University

v. Capacity of University

B.Estimated Investment for this project

C.Start and completion dates of the Project

1.A.2.Program due to Marine foundations/Mission

1.B.Arranging general education and administration program content of university(Defined


1.C.Arranging University area

A.Preliminary Survey(LandSurvey,Catastrophy Survey,etc)

1.D.designing the university building due to general education and administration program

1.E.taking the necessary permissions for the university construction

2.Construction of Buildings

3.Supplying Infrastructure for Building

4.Arranging Academic/Non-Academic Person

5.Supplying Technical,scientific,educational equipments/devices for each University


6.Arranging education calendar and students call person with Disabilities 


NOTE:Please note that,each faculty,each department,each units,etc could be new building,

new room,new office,new system,etc.So This PHASE is very important and must be UNIVERSITY:Marine foundation university of Disability




-Academic Council

-Board of Directors

-Rectorate Departments

🔷Vice Rector-1

🔷Vice Rector-2

🔷Vice Rector-3

🔷 Vice Rector-4

🔷Vice Rector-5

🔷Rector Secretariat


🔷General Secretary

-Administrative Departments

🔷Department of Human Development andSocial Communications with persons with disabilities 

🔷Department of Academic Services

🔷Department of Accounting

🔷Department of Marketing and Technical Development

🔷 Department of Procurement

🔷 Department of Structural Subdivisions

🔷 Department of Human Resources

🔷 Department of Juridical

🔷 Department of International Affairs

🔷 Department of Management and Administration

🔷 Department of Capital Construction

🔷 Department of Security Service

🔷 Department of Media Communication

-Quality Assurance and Control

-Medical Center-Breakfast,Lunch & DinnerCanteen-Cafeteria,wheelchair Tables

-Publishing Center


-Car Parks


-Academic Public Housing

-Student Residence with disabilities requirements 


CommunicationCenter(TV,Radio,Internet,Wifi,Call center)

FACULTIES:(in alphabetic brailles)


CLUBS:-Student Clubs .

Head department in help of others sponsors


With dedication of Japan hydrogen power supply substitute with high prices of fuel in Nairobi is best  change to hydrogen costs low consumption as it uses 20 litres of water to travel 120 kilometres, it not amazing? Marine Foundations kenya has been proudly providing ideas of bring to kenya with hydrogen projects from Japan. 

We have now established the system for licensed members of the Marine Foundation to earn a living by supporting world projects development. We are soon taking off in substance in Guinea Conakry, Guinea Bissau, Cote d'Ivoire, Uganda, the Gambia, Senegal, and Ethiopia. First, however, you will need to hear of the miracle exploit of the DWB (week 35), and I suppose it will be part of the surprise. In the meantime, click here to look at the contribution page containing all that a sponsor or investor needs to know about the Marine Foundation. (also the link to the MFT opportunity for members) 

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